Nov 5, 2010 · 2 minute read
uh… yeah.
so egypt (like many other countries apparently) requires military service from it’s citizens. as a dual citizen, you are exempt from egyptian military service. i won’t get into details of how to prove this and get your military pardon, but let’s just say that it’s a fairly long winded and arduous process (which until now, i am still unable to complete).
there was some uncertainty as to what would happen if i stayed longer than 6 months - some people said, “you need to get your passport restamped (or leave the country) if you are planning on staying longer than 6 months.” others said, “you don’t need to do anything.” i almost followed the latter, until someone advised me to go check just in case, otherwise you could have problems later on. so i went to the passport office in alexandria.
the lady said, “as long as you’re here less than 6 months, there is no problem. once you are here for 6 months, you need to give us your id card and your military status.” i said, “but i am having trouble getting my military status sorted out, what happens if i can’t bring these papers?” she said, “then we won’t let you leave.”
i was like, “seriously?” but i guess it matches up with something a friend had mentioned to me, so i could believe it. i imagined that, given that situation, i could call the embassy and say, “they won’t let me leave,” but i also have to remember that theoretically, i entered the country as an egyptian, so they could say, “we can’t help you.”
to save myself the unnecessary hassle, i booked a flight and left… i guess i’ll have to do this every 6 months until i get these papers sorted out…
Oct 25, 2010 · 1 minute read
just for fun, here’s an ios universal version of the quran search application.

you can find the source code here (update: added a link to a tar download and removed the code from github since i am not really maintaining this - june 26th, 2011).
Oct 18, 2010 · 1 minute read
just for fun, i hacked together a simple prototype of quran search on android. in reality, it’s more close to the autocomplete transliteration demo that i did some time back. for now, it’s only transliteration search, but later on, it can be expanded to search other languages. ultimately, it should probably be integrated into quran android.
you can find the source here. (update: added a link to a tar download and removed the code from github since i am not really maintaining this - june 26th, 2011).
Oct 13, 2010 · 1 minute read
here’s the second edition of the list. see if you can translate these to english, and look out for the answers to this list and the first edition of the list soon insha’Allah!
tareeq al bawaba - طريق البوابة
3al-lem el dekka - علم الدكة
bedoon welaya - بدون ولاية
merta7 3al akher - مرتاح على الأخر
3asifat al mokh - عاصفة المخ
o2af ganb - قف جانب
no2tet kasr - نقطة كسر
lematha al nesba al thahabeya - لماذا النسبة الذهبية
noskha fa7meya 3amya2 - نسخة فحمية عمياء
nas ba7eb - نص بحب
elbes sa3b - إلبس صعب
belyard etisalat - باليرد إتصالات
al khat al mayet - الخط الميت
shoghl berwaz - شغل برواز
seyaset naql al kalam al majnoon - سياسة نقل الكلام المجنون
el sa3b al sahl - الصعب السهل
ahlan ya tareeq - أهلاً يا طريق
wedn al-mu7ar-rik - ودن المحرك
ton na3na3 we7esh - طن نعنع وحش
3ala el debanna - على الذبابة
etefa2 regala - اتفا رجالا
anessa wa2fa ta7t - انسة واقفة تحت
3amood be 6aboor - عمود بطبور
innahu thahaba bondo2 - إنه ذهب بندق
Oct 12, 2010 · 2 minute read
i got in a taxi to go a short distance a few days ago. while driving, the man said to me:
you know, today, something strange happened. i just dropped off my nephew to the airport where he’s traveling to qatar. i am subscribed to a “du3a a day by sms” service by etisalat, and i got the du3a while driving him to the airport. so i told him, “read me the du3a,” since i was driving. he read the du3a (which said something along the lines of “astawda3 Allah” (or put as a trust with Allah) my self, my family, my deeds, and so on). the taxi driver continued, “i was shocked - the timing was incredible! it’s as if Allah had that message come today just for him specifically!”
he then asked me to listen to a clip of a story from a sheikh on his phone. the sheikh mentions a man whose wife was pregnant and he had to go and travel. the wife didn’t want him to go and tried to insist that he stay and not go. “how can you leave me while i am pregnant,” she asked? so he put his hand on her stomach and said, “oh Allah, astawde3ak ma fee batniha” - that “oh Allah, i leave as a trust with you whatever is in her stomach.”
so he left. he came back after he was done with his travels and found young kids (from his family or relatives or what not) telling him that, “your wife has passed away.” so he said, “inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji3oon.”
they then told him that they found something strange - that every night, some sort of smoke would come out from the place that they buried this lady. so he went there and dug up the grave, and found his wife sitting in the grave with his son alive and between her feet.
sub7anAllah… as the taxi driver added, had the man made the same du3a and added the mother in the du3a as well, he would have come back and found his wife as well.
Oct 10, 2010 · 2 minute read
i almost died yesterday… again… sub7anAllah. it was around 1am and i was really tired and sleepy… i was trying to cross the street from the maw2af to get to the other side and find something to ride home. i guess i really wasn’t paying attention and was thinking instead about “what will i take home,” and weighing my options as to what transportation is best to take. i crossed half the street and saw cars coming, but didn’t register that they were flying… so i started crossing the road nonchalantly (mind you, this is a highway-type road) without paying much attention.
suddenly i hear screeching brakes and i look and i see a mini-truck (one of those that carries a particular type of good for a supermarket, etc) coming straight at me and scrambling to come to a halt… a second later, i realize that it’s going to hit me and he’s trying to stop to avoid hitting me. i don’t know what happened, but i guess i stepped back two steps just in time to avoid getting hit.
i finished crossing the street and some people on the other side are like, “mesh tekhalee balak ya sheikh, hatdaya3 nafsak keda!”
sub7anAllah… Allah saved me, al7amdulillah. death can come at anytime… the problem is that i often forget this. may Allah grant us 7osn al-khatema - ameen.
Oct 9, 2010 · 2 minute read
i stopped a taxi that had just picked up some people and was going the same direction i wanted to go in. he asked the others if he could drop me off on his way to their destination. because i was in a rush, i said, “if not, if you may please just drop me off at the end of the street on your way.”
so i got on, and he shook my hand and said “taqabal Allah mina wa minkum” - i was like, “uhh… thanks, jazakAllah khair” (this wasn’t after a salah time, i wasn’t coming out of a masjid, and it wasn’t the end of ramadan, so i was just surprised)…
anyway, i made it to the end of the street. i had a 5 LE note and 1.25 LE worth of change. i valued the travel at 2LE, so i gave him the 5 and asked him for change. he said, “i don’t have change.” i said, “okay, take it and forget it” - he refused and put the money in my hand and clenched my hand and said “you’re making me hold up traffic, go!” i insisted but to no avail… in reterospect, i should have given him the 1.25, but i forgot that i had it at the time, and it wasn’t exactly fair either. i felt bad, and so i made du3a that Allah gives him more rizq on that day than he ever made in a single day before - i hope it happened insha’Allah :)
that would be the second time i got a free taxi ride. the first time, i was walking to jum3a at masjid al fat7, and a brother in a taxi stopped me and said, “are you going for jum3ah at masjid al fat7?” - and i said, “yes” - and he said, “come” - he also refused to take money, saying “i stopped you, you didn’t stop me” :p
Oct 8, 2010 · 1 minute read
today (well, yesterday actually) - was quite a busy day! within 24 hours, i rode 4 different types of masharee3 (minivans), a bus, a train, an underground train, and a handful of taxis.
some of these minivans are crazy - imagine that when a minivan stops, 20 people run towards it, all trying to get on. time passes and another one comes by and the process repeats. it’s quite possible that you may end up standing inside the minivan, or even end up riding while hanging on to the door.
i’d like to add that google maps and gps definitely come in handy at times!
Oct 3, 2010 · 1 minute read
in egypt, you may encounter stores with large “open 24 hours” signs. don’t believe what you read.
Oct 1, 2010 · 2 minute read
a few days ago, i had to wake up extra early to go to work, and it so happens that i also ended up sleeping really late that same night. i woke up and was really spaced out.
i went to take a “mashroo3” (minibus) to work. first off, i got on the wrong one (despite me asking, “is this going to x?” and him answering, “no, it’s going to y”). secondly, i was next to the door. “mashroo3 etiquette” mandates that the person by the door closes the door when passengers board or depart the vehicle.
the guy behind me pushed the door midway to close, and, being spaced out and all, i neglected to close it. we drove a little, and the door fell off. “Allah yenawar ya bashawat,” the driver said (sarcastically and seemingly upset - can’t really translate it, but an english equivalent would be, “nice going, gentlemen”). the driver and his assistant went back, grabbed the door and tied it on the mashroo3. the man said something about, “lazy people who don’t close the door,” got back in the car, and started driving.
i felt bad, so i handed the driver some money to fix the door with (of course i am sure it was already in really bad shape, otherwise it wouldn’t have fallen off from driving at such a slow speed on local roads for a minute or less, but nevertheless…). the driver asked, “what’s this?” i said, “this is to fix your door with.” he said, “we don’t accept reimbursements…” i said, “but it’s my fault, i neglected to close the door.” he said (approximately), “we drive with Allah’s protection, and the door’s time came and qadar Allah wa ma sha2a fa3al.” he refused to take the money (and the passenger next to me also told me, “forget about it, keep your money”).
i really respected the guy for his mindset and for controlling his anger. may Allah increase his rizq - ameen.