Nov 28, 2007 · 1 minute read
maybe out of sheer boredom, or too many nerdy thoughts always going through my head, or just to find a good use for the domain, i’ve started a humorous (so claim those who read it) blog about youth and the problems they face in looking to get married (basically some of my theories about the whole marriage process).
you can check it out here.
update - i closed it down :)
Nov 14, 2007 · 1 minute read
“the way of the Prophets is a difficult path to follow - they were all hurt and slandered by their people, and while they could have retaliated, they didn’t. but we have to do our best to follow it…”
this is roughly what someone i really respect told me today after he was cursed out for no reason. while he could easily have hit the guy or cursed him back out, he kept silent. the whole time i could see him on the verge of snapping, but he managed to keep his cool.
truly, as the Prophet said, the rough meaning of which is, “the strong one isn’t by the physical strength, but it is the one who can control himself at the time of anger.”
it is really hard for the nafs to remain silent, especially when it is wronged and has strength over the one who has wronged it. when a person is patient, however, they send a much stronger message.
may Allah reward him for his patience and grant him and his family utmost happiness in this life and in the hereafter. ameen.
Nov 13, 2007 · 2 minute read
this past weekend, ustaz amr khaled visited us here in the bay area. he came to jum3ah at mca. it was really a surprise to me (i knew he was giving a talk the following day, but i didn’t know he’d come to jum3ah). i felt extremely happy when i saw him, and started thinking about what i would say if i could get to talk to him.
he gave a brief 1 or 2 minute talk in english - i was happy that he said our masjid was like a “hug” and that it felt different than any of the masajid he’d seen in europe. i think i had a smile on my face the whole time.
afterwards, i had the honor of shaking his hand, hugging him, and speaking one sentence to him and getting a reply back. i also tried to get someone to take a picture of me with him.
but after seeing the crowds of people rush him to say salams, get a picture with him, or even get an autograph in some cases, i stopped and asked myself a question…
if i was this excited about talking to amr khaled, wanted to find something memorable to say to him, wanted to tell all my friends that i talked to him and hugged him… what about on the day of judgment when we see the Prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه و سلم)?
Nov 2, 2007 · 1 minute read
my name was mentioned on the messenger blog in this post - check it out.
Oct 31, 2007 · 1 minute read
i hate to say it, but i love google documents. i never thought i’d use it, but man, it has made my life a lot easier for so many things. the sharing feature is especially nifty (and probably accounts for 90+% of the reasons that i have to use it).
Oct 30, 2007 · 1 minute read
just experienced my first earthquake. i was pulling up at the parking lot of the masjid for isha, and i waited a second to shut the engine off and i was like “why is my car shaking like that?” – i took my foot off the brake and my car was still shaking. i got out of the car, walked away from it, puzzled at the shaking (the whole time i thought it was the car, i didn’t realize it was the ground).
i only realized after the salah when the sheikh started talking about a verse (3:143) and saying how we’d just experienced being saved from death, and then the man said that people should go home and be with their families. so i asked my friend and he told me it was an earthquake.
5.6 on the Richter scale - news here.
Oct 30, 2007 · 1 minute read
finally, after several years, i beat xenosaga (i ordered it november 19th, 2004 - almost 3 years ago…). i just could never bring myself to finish it (then again, WoW did come out around that time in 2004) until today (finally).
and, while i hadn’t played WoW since 6/15, i’ve reactivated my account. no, not addiction, just boredom, that and some of my work colleagues playing. but hey, what else do you do when you live thousands of miles from family? go figure.
Oct 18, 2007 · 1 minute read
sort of late for this, but eid mubarak! just upgraded the blog to wordpress 2.3, i guess i’ll have to look into going back and tagging some of the old posts at some point in the future (tm).
in unrelated news, one of my coworkers pointed out the applegeeks lite comic to me. one of the writers of this comic is muslim, and he had some pretty funny comics, especially around eid time. here’s one for kicks:

source: applegeeks lite.
Sep 4, 2007 · 1 minute read
keeping the seo statements from the previous post in mind, has become – it is now running on lighttpd (rather than apache - by the way, so far, i really like lighty masha’Allah) and al7amdulillah, so far, things look good. is one of the web’s largest (if not the largest) collection of cd quality downloadable quran mp3s (and some oggs). check it out!
Sep 1, 2007 · 1 minute read
i never really used to think about the importance of seo until recently. i always figured that, “hey, these are just my sites, only my friends read them, or they spread by word of mouth, etc” and never bothered doing anything with it.
however, after actually taking some time to search for some of my sites, i realized how important seo is for attracting traffic and for “branding.” despite the suboptimal state of seo on this site, i must say that i have definitely gotten pretty lucky in this regard for this site [most of this has to be credited to wordpress]. on some of my other sites, however, i wasn’t so lucky…
so don’t make seo an afterthought or you may regret it later (just like me).