Mar 20, 2009 · 1 minute read
i usually start my weekdays by listening to the excellent bbc global news podcast. in today’s episode, bbc’s owen bennett-jones interviewed an idf spokeswoman regarding israeli troops’ admission to gaza abuses. i decided to cut it out and provide it here for you to listen to.
is it just me, or do these people seem heartless? anyway, you can download the original podcast here.
Mar 10, 2009 · 1 minute read
do you watch anta ambooba in tha3lab al nar? click here for a list of funny, literal arabizations done by my roommate and i.
Mar 8, 2009 · 5 minute read
a long time ago, when i got my iphone, i realized that it would be nice to be able to read the quran on my phone. what i wanted was a way to read the arabic text on the phone (page by page, not ayah by ayah). anyhow, i’ll outline the solutions i’ve found here along with my preferred solution and how to set it up.
quran applications in the app store - there are a few in the app store, but only one version of iQuran is free. it shows you the text (ayah by ayah, however), has translations, and audio.
images - copy a set of 604 images to your iphone, with each image representing one page of the Quran. then, when you want to read Quran, you load up the photo viewer and read the pages there. you can find these images in many places. here is one example. this is the best solution for reading the Quran in Arabic if you don’t want to jailbreak your phone.
pdfs - in my opinion, the best way to read quran on the iphone (if you have a good pdf viewer). you don’t have to hassle with syncing images, nor do you have to deal with 604 files on your phone that you must go through in order to read Quran. also, pdfs tend to be of higher quality than images. this is the solution i recommend if you have or are willing to jailbreak your phone.
since the first solution is straight forward and instructions for the second solution are available on the link above, i will here outline instructions on how to use pdfs.
first, i need to point something out - you technically don’t need to jailbreak your phone to view the quran pdfs on it - you could download one of the apps in the appstore that views pdfs and use it. however, i’ve tried several of the free ones, and was never satisfied with the speed and performance of any of them. the best pdf viewer i found for the iphone is safari itself. so in order to be able to access these pdfs without a connection, you need to have a webserver running on your phone… and that is why you need to jailbreak your phone :)
here are three screenshots of how it looks like:
quran text
quran text (wide).
jailbreak your phone. on an older iphone, this is easy (install the newest firmware via itunes, then install and run quickpwn). for the 3g iphone, carefully read the instructions on quickpwn’s website, especially if you want your phone to be unlocked and/or are already using it unlocked.
once the phone is jail broken, run cydia. install openssh. then install lighttpd.
when you’re on a wifi network, go to your phone’s settings (from the main screen), click on wifi, and choose the network that you are currently connected to by pressing the blue arrow - note down the value of the ip address
ssh into your iphone as root - in linux or osx, just open a terminal and run “ssh root@[your phone’s ip address]”. on windows, you can do this by downloading putty. the default password is alpine. keep this terminal open for the next step (recommendation - once you’re in, change your password. type passwd and choose something else besides the default. this is for security purposes).
now you can set up lighttpd. download com.http.lighttpd.plist and scp it to /Library/LaunchDaemons (using mac/linux, just do scp com.http.lighttpd.plist root@[iphone’s ip]:/Library/LaunchDaemons). on windows, download winscp, log in (user name root, password is ‘alpine’ unless you’ve changed it in the above step), navigate to /Library/LaunchDaemons, and copy the file over). this file is what will set up lighttpd to start every time the phone is started, and to read the lighttpd.conf from the path below.
download lighttpd.conf and scp it to /etc. this is the configuration file for the webserver.
download the pdfs and web files. unzip them (you’ll get a web directory), and scp this directory to /var/root/Media (so that the files will be in /var/root/Media/web/*). note that if you change this path, you have to edit lighttpd.conf to reflect wherever you put this.
finally, in the terminal you opened in the earlier step, type the following command (this command is what ultimately makes lighttpd start everytime the phone is started):
launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.http.lighttpd.plist
and that’s it… you should be good to go! open up safari and navigate to http://localhost/index.html and enjoy!
known issues
when transferring data to and from the phone (via ssh or scp), you want to make sure that you’re on wireless. you may also want to make sure the iphone doesn’t “sleep” so that the connection doesn’t drop.
sometimes, when you choose a particular file to read, you get a “cannot connect to server” error - it usually disappears and loads the page before you have a chance to click “ok.”
if you turn the iphone off while reading a pdf (or go to the main screen, etc), when you come back to safari, sometimes, the page may appear malformed and not allow you to read. to solve this problem, hit back to go to the index and choose a juz’ to reload it.
suggestions/additions/comments are welcome and appreciated.
update - i’ve been using batoul apps’ quranreader at the recommendation of a friend. it’s $1 in the app store, but well worth it.
Mar 4, 2009 · 1 minute read

funny. courtesy of tweet o’clock.
Feb 18, 2009 · 1 minute read
today, i felt like playing some more with ubiquity, which i had installed for a while now but had not played around with sufficiently. i decided to try to write a simple plugin that will search the quran for a particular set of words. to do this, i felt obliged to expose an api for the alpha version of quranicrealm first, which was good because i needed to do it eventually anyway.
and here’s the mandatory screenshot:

it still needs a lot of work… things i still want to do if i get around to it:
add a favicon (for the site and for the plugin)
more options (ex, “search english,” or “search transliteration,” etc)
replace the current text with a link (or translation). this would be useful in im conversations or while writing blog posts.
a “get-ayah” command (to say, “get ayah 1 of sura fatiha in arabic,” for example).
anyway, i’ll post up the code when i’ve added some improvements insha’Allah. if you want it before then, post a comment.
Feb 11, 2009 · 3 minute read
for some (crazy) reason, i decided to try out the g1 after reading gina’s article and finding a good deal on craigslist. the summary is - i think i am going to sell it and keep my iphone :)
thoughts so far:
it’s nice to have a keyboard - but something doesn’t feel right about it. i can’t quite put my hands on it yet.
no arabic fonts in the browser, and no arabization!! :( iphone doesn’t have it either, but third party solutions (iphone islam) exist that work very well.
touch screen isn’t multi touch. also, you have to press with your finger (not the finger tip) - pressing with the finger tip is useless.
gmail app totally rocks
integration with google (for gmail and calendar) rocks
integration with contacts is HORRIBLE. seriously. gmail, as you may know, makes a contact for every person you email. so if you sync your contacts as is with the phone, you’re looking at a ridiculous set of contacts. moreover, if you use the built in google syncing within address book, your address book gets sullied with all these random contacts, duplicates, etc. not very cool. i worked around this by using ab2csv exporter, exporting a csv, and importing it into google contacts under a specific group, then only syncing that group with the phone.
one odd caveat - you have to use the supplied usb cable to connect the hone to the pc and be able to mount the micro sd card. using any normal cable you may have (from a camera, for example) will charge the phone, but won’t work for mounting the micro sd card. took me a while to figure this out.
i upgraded the firmware, but haven’t played with google latitude yet (nor with the gps).
i may play with it some more, but at the time being, i am thinking of selling this and sticking with my iphone, as it feels a lot more polished. there are definitely some nice things about it that are missing from the iphone - gears, the fact it runs linux, development seems to be easier (java based), cut and paste, better camera, built in voice dialer, etc. but the iphone feels a lot more polished.
update - “compare everywhere” app rocks - iphone has an equivalent (snaptell, and the amazon app is good too), but it doesn’t scan barcodes. the english to arabic dictionary actually renders proper shaped arabic. apparently, some people have gotten arabic (the font and shaping) to work (though i am not sure if it’s throughout all the apps or not). they haven’t documented it all yet but should soon. i doubt it’ll be to the extent that arabization is done on the iphone, however. battery life is sup-par - went from 100% to 82% in a few minutes by installing and trying a handful of apps.
summary - iphone (even the first gen) still wins.
Jan 25, 2009 · 5 minute read
important update (august 5th, 2009) - so i realized that some of the results here (specifically, the java lucene ones) were incorrect. the reason is because as is mentioned on the lucene wiki, the first search has to initialize the caches. as thus, the results aren’t accurate. this seems to be very true. for example, if i run a test query, discard the results, and then run the real query, results for the three classes of queries are now 17, 8, and 4 ms respectively, which is very comparable (if not sometimes better) than that of sphinx. i will probably need to re-run this benchmark to do a better job of giving the backend systems a level playing field to test on.
update (jan 26th, 2009) - as mentioned in the comments, the mysql results aren’t very accurate either because i was probably not properly searching against the index.
i have a set of ~6000 quotes (verses, if you will), along with a multiple set of translations for each of those verses. before, i was searching across these verses using mysql. while this seemed to work, it was very limiting, and i began looking into alternatives.
so i did a little bit of research and tried out lucene and sphinx. for lucene, i specifically used the zend version (i’ll discuss standard lucene (java) towards the end of this post.)
i’ll show the results first, and then explain them after.

the graph above shows a quick overview of the tests run. a set of 3 different queries were run against 4 different backends. the numbers were generated using apache bench (ab) using 100 requests with a concurrency of 1.
lucene: this was the first implementation. in it, each verse was a “document.” each translation was a property of the document. the total number of documents was thus equivalent to the number of verses.
sphinx: this was the second sphinx implementation (see sphinx alt below for the first implementation). this implementation was just done to make the data model similar to that of lucene, which is exactly what it is. although this ended up being the fastest (by < 5ms in the tests run), i prefer the sphinx alt implementation because it’s closest to that of the database schema.
sphinx alt: although it is named “sphinx alt” in the graph above, this is really the initial sphinx implementation. in this model, a translation of one verse was a document. consequently, the total number of documents was (number of translations) * (number of verses). i sort of like this one most (even though it’s not the fastest) because it is the closest to the current database schema.
mysql: this is sort of the baseline, and, to be honest, it’s not fair either. the query used here is something in the nature of getting the row where the text is like ‘%word1%word2%’; the number of results returned by this are far fewer (and less valuable) than those returned by either lucene or sphinx. one would need to do “where text like ‘%word1%word2%’ or text like ‘%word2%word1%’” to get a more accurate estimate, but for baseline purposes, i simply ran the first query. note that the query cache size is 0 (ie query cache is on but effectively off for this set of tests). note that the text field has a fulltext index on it.
sphinx wins hands down. however, although it seems that lucene comes in last, this is not really accurate because of the type of mysql query being used. from my limited tests (using a more complicated sql query), lucene and mysql have comparable performance, but lucene of course has the added benefit of more advanced query options, etc.
sphinx times were 8.030 ms, 7.542 ms, 8.324 ms, sphinx alt times were 8.304 ms, 7.898 ms, 11.131 ms, lucene times were 285.759 ms, 116.222 ms, 224.381 ms, and mysql times were 106.254 ms, 106.561 ms, 108.747 ms for queries 1, 2, and 3, respectively. query 1 contained three words (+term1 +term2 +term3), query 2 contained one word (+term4), and query 3 contained two words (+term5 +term6).
additional details:
plain vanilla java lucene is usually faster than zend’s lucene implementation. the largest difference can be noted in indexing times (a few seconds for java versus 15+ minutes in php). if i had to index frequently, i’d use java lucene or sphinx because they are insanely faster.
for example, the first query takes 179.84 ms on average in java (over 100 queries) versus about 272.61 ms on average for php. the second query takes 173.22 ms on average in java versus about 103.30 ms in php. the third query takes 178.98 ms on average in java versus about 214.78 ms in php.
php only won at the second query, which also happens to be the simplest query. two things to note - first, the times here don’t include the jvm or php interpreter start times. these are times reported by taking the time before and after the search call and displaying them. second, unlike the first test, this was all run from the command line and not directly via web (didn’t want to bother setting up tomcat or solr, etc).
just for fun, i implemented the “sphinx alt” data scheme in java lucene as well and re-ran the 3 tests 100 times each. the results were 178.54 ms, 160.20 ms, and 172.72 ms - very much comparable to the results with the alternate schema.
the summary of this very long post in 2 words: sphinx rocks.
Jul 1, 2008 · 1 minute read
it’s been a while since i last posted… i guess microblogging (twitter, brightkite, etc) have sort of gotten the majority of my posts, and i’ve neglected the blog.
the main reason i like the blog is it’s interesting to look back and see what i was writing about n years ago. it just serves as a good documentation. twitter/brightkite do the job as well (esp with uploading pictures to brightkite on the go and tagging location), but the blog allows me to be less concise.
so yeah, perhaps i will resume the posts shortly (tm).
Mar 18, 2008 · 1 minute read
so i went through and tried to back-tag all the posts on the site… more difficult than it sounds, especially since i was at a loss as to how to tag some of the things (especially in a consistent manner). i am not showing a tag cloud yet, but maybe soon (tm).
i’ve also added links to my twitter and flickr in the sidebar. i guess i should start looking into some wordpress plugins at some point in the near future for some of the stuff in the sidebar.
update - tried showing a tag cloud, but i don’t really like it… things i don’t care about surfacing get surfaced because they end up being “bucket” categories and things i do care about don’t :p
i like the tagging so i can have, for example, snippets as the tag for all the posts that have code snippets in them, and pictures as the tags for all posts that have pictures in them, and so on… but i guess kind of like, if i think about the correctness and consistency of my tags too much, it starts to bother me :p
Mar 16, 2008 · 2 minute read
generally speaking, my set of mp3s is very well tagged. for my personal mp3s, i used to exclusively use easytag to tag them, and now i use a combination of easytag and amarok (which is totally awesome by the way!)
but sometimes, i have to mass edit id3tags for mp3s on the server, and i don’t have the luxury of using such gui tools for the editing. as thus, i’ve been mainly using id3v2 within some perl scripts to tag mp3s. this turns out to work great, but i also wanted to be able to add album art to the mp3s from the command line.
i couldn’t figure out how to do it using id3v2 (perhaps using the custom frames, there’s a way, but nothing extremely simple and obvious from what i was looking at). then i found the solution in the form of a id3lib-ruby, a ruby wrapper for id3lib, the same library that id3v2 is based on.
with this, everything turns out to be extremely easy -
require 'id3lib'
tag ='myfile.mp3')
cover = {
:id => :APIC,
:mimetype => 'image/jpeg',
:picturetype => 3,
:data =>'cover.jpg')
tag << cover
and that’s it. nice and simple. by the way, a picturetype of 3 denotes a front cover and is the default value (just learned that from a quick search). oh and the output mp3 image cover shows up fine in both linux and on itunes. beautiful!