haramain for android

one of my favorite sites on the web is haramain recordings. haramain recordings posts the latest prayers from masjid al haram and masjid al nabawi on a daily basis (every fajr, maghrib, and isha salah, along with jum3a khutbas, salat al tarawee7, and more).

because i found myself visiting haramain recordings very frequently, i started thinking, “it would be really great if i could access this on my phone…” and so, al7amdulillah, haramain for android was built.

haramain is an unofficial client for haramain recordings. it lets you stream the latest prayers from both masajid, and even lets you filter by sheikh. it was designed in accordance to material design, so it should look great on android L insha’Allah. it’s also free with no ads.

it’s quite light weight at the moment, and there are a lot of things that are missing, but insha’Allah as time goes on, we hope to keep updating it and make it more useful to people.

the app’s account is on Twitter at @haramainapp, and you can download it from google play.

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