namazTime anonymous svn

just put up an svn repository for public access. you can access it here, or to obtain the latest code, just do:

svn co

thanks to mohammed sameer’s suggestions, i made several changes. the version in svn is different than the release mainly because now, rather than manually make calls to libglade for loading objects from the xml files, i use the default build stuff generated by glade. while this will make a few things easier (adding translations later on, for example), i am not quite sure if i did everything right, but it seems to work so its fine for now (i am mainly unsure with respect to how to get the widgets, because the lookup method requires a parent widget which sometimes i don’t have available, so i just made the main window global, and just destroyed the auxillary windows when they are closed and reopen them).

the version in subversion also links against libitl, so it is no longer bundled within the app. finally, a todo list is included for people interested in helping out.