namazTime 0.4 and prayertime desklet 0.4
Mar 20, 2005 · 1 minute readcodeislam
salam 3alaikum. as requested, i’ve updated the prayertime desklet to be compatible with the latest gdesklets. it now relies on libitl 0.6.4 and itools-0.6.2, which can be obtained from the arabeyes itl page. hopefully this should fix some of the problems people were having earlier. i’ve tested it under gdesklets 0.34.2. an old but accurate screenshot can be found here.
while i was at it, i also updated the namazTime software to also use the latest itl code and improved the image installation issue somewhat [now the software just assumes a /usr/local based install]. namazTime is a gtk2 based tray program for telling salat times. (there’s an old but fairly accurate screenshot in this post.
click here to download the 0.4 version of the prayertime desklet.
click here for the latest 0.4 version of namazTime.
btw, all this stuff only works on linux. i guess i should try to get windows and osx versions running at some point as well…
walsalam 3alaikum.