picture credits, etc
Sep 9, 2004 · 1 minute readrandom
peace. first off, i want to just point out that not all the pictures on the photos page are pictures that i took. for instance, most of the moving to penn pictures were taken by jawwad, so i wanted to give him credit here.
i have more gmail invitations if anyone wants any – everytime i give some out, they give me more invitations again…
about blog comments, i got my first piece of “comment spam” a few days ago – essentially, i got an email asking me if i wanted to authorize a fishy comment… and sure enough; it looked like it was generated by a script or something; similar to those spam emails. so maybe since no one comments (except like one person who posts his own little blog under mine), i should remove the commenting ability off the site…
anyhow, that’s all for now.