apple, brittney, and wealth

greets all. so yes, i guess as one of my respected friends pointed out, i need new entries to get more interesting responses… maybe… just maybe… i’ll try posting semi-controversial things and see what happens…

anyhow, you can learn quite a bit of random stuff from tv… i was flipping through the channels and learned two interesting facts. first, i learned about this interesting trend of celebrities naming their children weird names… one actress named her daughter “apple” – i ran a google search, and i found out that names get much weirder than that – there’s a couple who named their son “pilot inspektor,” and there’s also a couple who named their son “audio science,” and yet another couple who named their son “moon unit.” based on this trend, i guess when i have a child, i’ll look around the house and the first thing i see is what i’ll name my child after… i do have to say though, one of the actors, rob morrow, named his daughter tu, making her name tu morrow… i think that’s pretty neat.

the other interesting observation was about brittney spears - she’s got a lot of money (masha’Allah) - she’s got some nice sports cars and she gives her parents uber expensive cars for any major occaision…. plus she owns a bunch of really nice properties around the states. i think it said she’s worth like $50 million….

so what i am wondering is… all she does (with all due respect) is come up with lyrics and sing. i can sing too, can i make this much money? anyone willing to buy a plotting album if i make one?

on a more realistic note though; i don’t know why; maybe this is a weakness on my part, but when i saw how rich she is just by writing songs and singing, it made me want to make it big too – not so i can spend my life partying and buying cars and stuff, but so i can do something to make my life worth while - something that leaves a mark on this world and makes a difference…

it would be very superficial of me if i fail to realize the fact that any money and wealth accumulated here in this life will go away and won’t accompany us to our graves when we die – life is short and i realize this, and i also realize that this life is a test and that we’ll be accountable for what we do. but realistically speaking, a lot of the cool humanitarian project ideas a person comes up with are not really easy to accomplish without a large capital. and sometimes, fundraising just gets in the way and is a waste of time…

i guess at the same time, it is very difficult because wealth can be a source of fitnah. and while some of our great predecessors were very wealthy and remained at a state of uber piousity, we don’t really compare to them…

i would say in summary that regardless; the ultimate goal is the same: to change the world to a better place, to help people lead happier lives, and to do all of this purely for the sake of Allah, awaiting no reward from anyone but Him. if Allah allows us to accomplish this, regardless of the means (be it great amounts of wealth, great amounts of knowledge, or even a simple idea), that’s all that matters.